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test TEST

Case Number:

Date of Application: 2023-01-23 6:18 pm


Application Detail

Company Name test TEST
Headquarter Location 12wte san antonio, AL 78154 US
State of Formation TEST
Federal Tax ID # 123
Primary Contact Name WETWET TEWT
Contact Title
Mailing Address WETWT SAN ANTONIO, AL 78216 US
Website / URL
Phone +12103334444
Other Phone
Site Selection Consultant (if applicable)
Business Description TEST
Company Age 4
Company Structure Private
Ticker Symbol
Registered to Conduct Business in the State of Texas No
Number of Central Texas Locations 23
Number of U.S. Locations 2
Number of Global Locations 2
Has the Business Faced Any Litigation in the Past 5 Years? No
Please explain any litigation the businesses faced in the past 5 years
New Business/Project in Helotes Yes
Expanding Business/Project in Helotes Yes
Project Address ETTWETWT
Is the Project Located in the City Limit of Helotes? No
If no, is the Project willing to be Annexed? No
Will the Project Property be Owned or Leased? Owned
Please describe the Project: WETWT
Local Location of Planned Investment: WETWET
Expected Project Start Date 12313
Expected Project Completion Date WETWT
Overall Project Cost Estimate: 121241412
Land Cost:
Total Acres:
Building Cost:
Square Feet:
Method of Financing QTQT
Total Committed Level of Financing: QTQET
State Government
Financial Institution
Local Government
Federal Government
Land (Year 1) EWQTQ
Taxable Inventory (Year 1)
Building (Year 1)
Labor (Year 1)
M&E (Year 1)
Year 1 Total Investment
FF & E (Year 1)
Year 1 Annual Sales Subject to Sales Taxes
Land (Year 2)
Taxable Inventory (Year 2)
Building (Year 2)
Labor (Year 2)
M&E (Year 2)
Year 2 Total Investment
FF & E (Year 2)
Year 2 Annual Sales Subject to Sales Taxes
Land (Year 3)
Taxable Inventory (Year 3)
Building (Year 3)
Labor (Year 3)
M&E (Year 3)
Year 3 Total Investment
FF & E (Year 3)
Year 3 Annual Sales Subject to Sales Taxes
Land (Year 4)
Taxable Inventory (Year 4)
Building (Year 4)
Labor (Year 4)
M&E (Year 4)
Year 4 Total Investment
FF & E (Year 4)
Year 4 Annual Sales Subject to Sales Taxes
Land (Year 5)
Taxable Inventory (Year 5)
Building (Year 5)
Labor (Year 5)
M&E (Year 5)
Year 5 Total Investment
FF & E (Year 5)
Year 5 Annual Sales Subject to Sales Taxes
Land (Year 6)
Taxable Inventory (Year 6)
Building (Year 6)
Labor (Year 6)
M&E (Year 6)
Year 6 Total Investment
FF & E (Year 6)
Year 6 Annual Sales Subject to Sales Taxes
Land (Year 7)
Taxable Inventory (Year 7)
Building (Year 7)
Labor (Year 7)
M&E (Year 7)
Year 7 Total Investment
FF & E (Year 7)
Year 7 Annual Sales Subject to Sales Taxes
Land (Year 8)
Taxable Inventory (Year 8)
Building (Year 8)
Labor (Year 8)
M&E (Year 8)
Year 8 Total Investment
FF & E (Year 8)
Year 8 Annual Sales Subject to Sales Taxes
Land (Year 9)
Taxable Inventory (Year 9)
Building (Year 9)
Labor (Year 9)
M&E (Year 9)
Year 9 Total Investment
FF & E (Year 9)
Year 9 Annual Sales Subject to Sales Taxes
Land (Year 10)
Taxable Inventory (Year 10)
Building (Year 10)
Labor (Year 10)
M&E (Year 10)
Year 10 Total Investment
FF & E (Year 10)
Year 10 Annual Sales Subject to Sales Taxes
Number of Direct Hire
Number of Vendor/Contract Jobs
Average Annual Wages
Percent to be Locally Hired
Number of Direct Hire
Number of Vendor/Contract Jobs
Average Annual Wages
Percent to be Locally Hired
Number of Direct Hire
Number of Vendor/Contract Jobs
Average Annual Wages
Percent to be Locally Hired
Number of Direct Hire
Number of Vendor/Contract Jobs
Average Annual Wages
Percent to be Locally Hired
Number of Direct Hire
Number of Vendor/Contract Jobs
Average Annual Wages
Percent to be Locally Hired
What is the expected average wage for the lowest paid 10% of local workers? WETWT
Year 1 No. of Existing Jobs
Year 1 Average Annual Wage
Year 1 No. of New Jobs
Year 1 Median Annual Wage
Year 1 Total Jobs
Year 4 No. of Existing Jobs
Year 4 Average Annual Wage
Year 4 No. of New Jobs
Year 4 Median Annual Wage
Year 4 Total Jobs
Year 3 No. of Existing Jobs
Year 3 Average Annual Wage
Year 3 No. of New Jobs
Year 3 Median Annual Wage
Year 3 Total Jobs
Year 2 No. of Existing Jobs
Year 2 Average Annual Wage
Year 2 No. of New Jobs
Year 2 Median Annual Wage
Year 2 Total Jobs
Year 5 No. of Existing Jobs
Year 5 Average Annual Wage
Year 5 No. of New Jobs
Year 5 Median Annual Wage
Year 5 Total Jobs
Year 7 No. of Existing Jobs
Year 7 Average Annual Wage
Year 7 No. of New Jobs
Year 7 Median Annual Wage
Year 7 Total Jobs
Year 6 No. of Existing Jobs
Year 6 Average Annual Wage
Year 6 No. of New Jobs
Year 6 Median Annual Wage
Year 6 Total Jobs
Year 8 No. of Existing Jobs
Year 8 Average Annual Wage
Year 8 No. of New Jobs
Year 8 Median Annual Wage
Year 8 Total Jobs
Year 9 No. of Existing Jobs
Year 9 Average Annual Wage
Year 9 No. of New Jobs
Year 9 Median Annual Wage
Year 9 Total Jobs
Year 10 No. of Existing Jobs
Year 10 Average Annual Wage
Year 10 No. of New Jobs
Year 10 Median Annual Wage
Year 10 Total Jobs
Peak Monthly Demand in Kilowatts (KW)
Average Monthly Usage in Kilowatt Hours (kWh):
Average Monthly Load Factor:
Dual Feed Required:
Current Rate (cents per kWh):
Average Monthly Usage:
Meter Size:
Average Monthly Discharge:
Building Size:
Manufacturing Space:
Office Space:
Ceiling Heights:
Parking Requirements:
Building: Yes No
Percent Eligible for Freeport Exemption (exported from Texas within 175 days): WTW
Local Sales Tax No
State Sales Tax
Total annual company purchases subject to local sales tax: WT
Total Annual Local Taxable Retail Sales: WET
Indirect Local Revenue:
Please describe about Indirect Local Revenue: WT
Other Local Revenue:
Please describe about Other Local Revenue: EWTEWTEW
Employee Benefits Prescription Drug Plan Retirement Plan Flexible Spending Accounts
Other Employee Benefits
Please describe training provided to employees: WETWT
Does the company provide opportunities for employee advancement: No
Please describe employee advancement opportunities the company provides:
Are there funds for additional employee education (tuition match, etc.): No
Please describe education funds the company provides: WETEWT
Does the company actively promote diversity in hiring and promotion: No
Please describe how your company promotes diversity in hiring and promotion:
Does the company have a community outreach program:
Please describe your company's outreach program:
Does the company actively encourage volunteer/charitable efforts: No
Please describe how your company promotes volunteer/charitable efforts:
Type of Incentives Desired Property Tax Abatement Water Impact Fee Credit
Please describe what the Incentives will be utilized for: RQWRQW
Amount of Incentives Requested: QRQRW
Date / Time 01/22/2023